Prices are based on days signed up for per week, regardless of school closures and attendance.
Tuition is due on the 1st of each month and late after the 5th with a $25 fee. After the 10th, this fee will be increased $10 each day. Failure to pay tuition in a timely manner will result in your child’s withdrawal.
The month of August is a prorated fee that will be invoiced to you, but full tuition payment is required September through May.
There is a separate registration for any Summer Camps that may be offered.
VPK students are required to sign and adhere to a separate attendance policy and are responsible for payment if not in adherence. They are also required to have a certificate of eligibility from the state. This is not due at the time of enrollment but will be due before the current school year ends (details to come).
Listed below are our various classes and the cost for a month (2, 3, and 5 days). Your child will be placed in a class primarily by their age.
1 year-old and walking before September 1, 2025
2 days (Tuesday and Thursday) :
3 days (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday) :
5 days (Monday – Friday):
2 year-old and walking before September 1, 2025
2 days (Tuesday and Thursday) :
3 days (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday) :
5 days (Monday – Friday):
3 year-old and potty-trained before September 1, 2025
3 days (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday) :
5 days (Monday – Friday):
4 year-old before September 1, 2025
*must provide a VPK certificate of eligibility from the state
4 days (Monday – Thursday) :
Free with voucher
5 days (Monday – Friday) | VPKer + add Fridays:
5 days (Monday – Friday):
There is $125 Registration Fee, with a discounted registration fee of $75 each for siblings. 4 day VPKers do not pay the registration fee. This is due at time of registration to secure spot.
Due prior to August Orientation
Non-refundable Activity Fee of $125 per child. No discount for siblings. This is due with August tuition. 4 days VPKers do not pay the activity fee.
August’s tuition is half of what is paid every other month.
Orientation paperwork that will be emailed to you at the beginning of August, must be filled out completely and returned to Preschool Director.
A CURRENT copy of your child’s Statement of Health and Immunization Record (provided by your pediatrician) MUST be kept current throughout the school year.
Early Morning/Extended Day Pricing
Early Morning
8:00a.m. – 8:50a.m.
2 Days (Tuesday and Thursday) :
3 Days (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday):
5 Days (Monday – Friday) :
*Drop-in cost is $10/day (added to next tuition statement) Must call to see if space is available.
Extended Day
1:05p.m. – 2:30p.m.
2 Days (Tuesday and Thursday):
3 Days (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday) :
5 Days (Monday – Friday):
*Drop-in cost is $15/day (added to next tuition statement) Must call to see if space is available.
**Late Pick-up after 2:30p.m. – You will be charged $1/minute that you are late. Please keep in mind that our teachers have other obligations after dismissal and need to leave on time.